Personal Details
Name: Rhys Goodin
Concept: Sherpa Guide to Adventure
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Stat | Score | Cost | Notes |
STR | 13 | 3 | Lift 150, 2.5D6 |
DEX | 17 | 21 | |
CON | 13 | 6 | |
BOD | 10 | 0 | |
INT | 13 | 3 | |
EGO | 11 | 2 | |
PRE | 10 | 0 | |
COM | 8 | -1 | |
PD | 3 | 0 | |
ED | 4 | 1 | |
SPD | 3 | 3 | |
REC | 8 | 4 | |
END | 32 | 3 | |
STN | 24 | 0 | |
Total Stat Cost: | 40 | |
Run: 6“
Swim: 2”
Horizontal Leap: 2.5“
Vertical Leap: 1.25”
Talents and Perquisites
Bump of Direction 3
Total Talents and Perk Points: 3
Acting 8-
Area Knowledge: The World 8-
Breakfall 8-
Climbing 8-
Concealment 8-
Conversation 8-
Deduction 8-
Language: Cald
Persuasion 8-
Professional Skill: Sherpa 8-
Shadowing 8-
Stealth 8-
Trading 8-
Survival: Highlands 8-
Read Magic (12-) 3
Use Magic Item (13-) 5
Pathfinding (14-) 7
Tracking (13-) 5
Trading (13-) 5
Knowledge: Highlands Game (14-) 4
Knowledge: Highlands Geography (14-) 4
Familiarity: Common Melee weapons 1
Familiarity: Bows 1
Combat Levels: Highland Weapons 3
2 Combat Level: Horn Bow 4
Total Skill Points: 42
Item | Weight(KG) | Notes |
Horn Bow | 2.25 | 13 STR, 1.5D6 |
Machete | 2.75 | 8 STR, 1d6 (1d6+1 with Full STR) |
Ring Mail Hauberk | 8.15 | 7-14, 4 DEF |
Plate Cap | .78 | 5, 7 DEF |
Donkey | | Named Robert |
Sherpa Gear | 10 | Kept in pack |
5 Points of Magic Items | 2 | Kept on Donkey |
Full Load | 26 | -1 DCV, -1 maneuvers |
Combat Load | 14 | no penalties |
Total Equipment Points: 0
Rival (Competent, infrequent) 5
Reputation (“Past his prime,” Infrequent) 5
Hunted (“By Goats”, incompetent, Common) 5
random_heroes/nate.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/24 23:34 by mike_holmes