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Block½00Block, abort
Brace02half+2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm½-20Can disarm
Dodge½3Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab½-1-2Grab two limbs
Grab By½-3-4Move and Grab
Haymaker½0-5x1.5 Attack Damage
Move By½-2-2STR/2 + v/5
Move Throughhalf-v/5-3STR + v/3
SetFull10ranged attacks only
Strike½00STR or weapon
Blazing Away½00make as many attacks as desired, only hit on 18
Club Weapon½00Killing weapon does equivalent Normal damage
Cover½-20target held at weapon point
Dive for Cover½00moves character, abort
Hipshot ½-10+1 DEX only for purposes of Initiative
Hurry½-2-2+1d6 DEX, only for purposes of Initiative
Pulling a Punch ½-1/5d60Strike, normal Stun damage, ½ BODY damage
Rapid Fire1-2/xMake multiple ranged attacks
Rolling With a Punch½-2-2“Block” after being hit, take ½ damage, ABORT
Snap Shot1-10lets character duck back behind cover
Suppression Fire1-20continuous fire on hex(es), must be autofire
Sweep1-2/xmake multiple hand-to-hand attacks



Rand Modifier0-2-4-6-8-10

Target Size

Size1/8 Human1/4 Human1/2 HumanNorm Human2x Human4x Human8x Human
Size Modifier-6-4-20+2+4+6

For called shots, see Hit Locations


ConcealmentRoll hit locations to see if cover is hit, or character. 00
Cooridnated Attack Combine damage for the purpose of calculating stunning. --
Multiple Attackers +1 OCV/attacker, after the first; must coordinate. Varies0
Off Hand Character attacking using off hand. -30
Spread Attack To hit one target +1 OCV/-1 DC-
Spread Attack To hit multiple targets. -1 DC per additional hex targeted--
Surprised In Combat -x1/2
Surprised Out of Combat. 2x STUN -x1/2
Surprise Move GM Decides if move counts as surprising. +1 to +30
Target a Hex Must hit hex DCV: 3; 0 if Adjacent--
Target Prone May get concealment -x1/2
Thrown WeaponUnbalanced and Unaerodynamic object -4 -
Thrown WeaponBalanced or Aerodynamic object -2 -
Thrown WeaponBalanced and Aerodynamic object 0 -
Unfamiliar Weapon Character lacks appropriate Weapon Familiarity -3 0
random_heroes/combat_maneuvers.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/24 23:43 by mike_holmes