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This is a setting creation exercise meant to create a setting useful for a space travel RPG.

Setting Basics


Earth exists in the setting, but it is burnt out, having been “used up” ages ago. Few planets have the sorts of resources that Earth once had.




There are multiple types of FTL drives, each serving various purposes.


There are two main methods of instantaneous transit over large distances.

Worm Hole Drives


Even small craft may have FTL drives, but any FTL drives that are not Point-to-point are only up to a few multiples of C, rendering them highly inconvenient for transit between systems, or even to very distant companions. Most use of such FTL is for going from place to place inside of systems where there are no gates built.

space_rpg_setting_world_building.1445469139.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/21 16:12 by Mike Holmes