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dyson_s_delfs [2017/04/21 18:30] – created paganinidyson_s_delfs [2017/06/04 13:13] (current) Mike Holmes
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-== General Store ==+===== General Store ===== 
 +^Gear^Price - as marked, otherwise, 1 coin^ 
 +|Bell| | 
 +|Block and tackle|5| 
 +|Bottle of wine|2| 
 +|Candles (100)| | 
 +|Canvas (10 square yards)| | 
 +|Case (map or scroll)| | 
 +|Chain (10 feet)|30| 
 +|Chalk (20 sticks)| | 
 +|Crowbar (5 of them!)| | 
 +|Fishing net (25 square feet)|4| 
 +|Flask (leather, 30 of them!)| | 
 +|Flint & steel| | 
 +|Grappling hook| | 
 +|Hammer (2 of them!)| | 
 +|Hand mirror (steel)|20| 
 +|Holy symbol (wood, upgrade to silver for only 25 coins!)| | 
 +|Holy water (flask)|25| 
 +|Ink (1 oz. bottle)| | 
 +|Ladder (10 foot, 20 of them!)| | 
 +|Lamp  (bronze, 10 of them!)| | 
 +|Lamp oil (gallon)| | 
 +|Lantern (bullseye)|12| 
 +|Lantern (hooded)|7| 
 +|Lock (or more!)|20| 
 +|Musical instrument (kazoo, slide whistle, melodica, etc.)|5| 
 +|Parchment (5 sheets)| | 
 +|Pole (10 foot, 5 of them!)| | 
 +|Pot (iron, 2 of them!)| | 
 +|Day's Rations| | 
 +|Rope (50 feet, upgrade to silk for only 10 coins!)| | 
 +|Signal whistle (2 of them!)| | 
 +|Spellbook (Alas, blank!)|25| 
 +|Iron spikes (20 of them!)| | 
 +|Torch (100 of them!)| | 
 +|Waterskin| | 
 +|Wolfsbane (10 wolves worth?)| |
-  * 5  - Backpack +===== Smithy ===== 
-  * 2  Barrel +^Armor and Weapons^Price as marked, otherwise, coin^ 
-  *  - Bell +|Axe (battle)|5| 
-   - Block and tackle +|Axe (hand, good for throwing, too!| | 
-  * 2  - Bottle of wine +|Club|Special promotion: it's on the house!| 
-  * 1  - Candles (100+|Dagger (good for throwing, too!)|2| 
-  * 1  - Canvas (10 square yards+|Flail|8| 
-  * 1  - Case (map or scroll+|Warhammer| |  
-  * 30 - Chain (10 feet) +|Lance|6| 
-  * 1  - Chalk (20 sticks+|Mace (heavy!)|10| 
-  * 2  - Chest +|Polearm|10| 
-  * 1  - Crowbar (of them!) +|Spear (good for throowing, too!)| | 
-  * 4  - Fishing net (25 square feet) +|Staff|Go ahead, help yourself!| 
-  * 1  - Flask (leather, 30 of them!) +|Bastard sword|20| 
-  * 1  - Flint & steel +|Long sword|15| 
-  * 10 - Garlic +|Sword|8| 
-  * 1  - Grappling hook +|Arrows (10 of them!)| | 
-  * 1  - Hammer (of them!) +|Bolts (10 of them!)| | 
-  * 20 - Hand mirror (steel) +|Longbow|60| 
-  * 1  - Holy symbol (wood, upgrade to silver for only 25 coins!) +|Shortbow|15| 
-  * 25 - Holy water (flask) +|Crossbow|20 
-  * 1  - Ink (1 oz. bottle) +|Dart (of them!)| | 
-  * 1  - Ladder (10 foot, 20 of them!) +|Javelin (2 of them!)| | 
-  * 1  - Lamp  (bronze, 10 of them!) +|Sling (of them!)| | 
-  * 1  - Lamp oil (gallon) +|Bullets (10 of them!) | | 
-  * 12 - Lantern (bullseye) +|Shield|15| 
-  * 7  - Lantern, hooded +|Leather armor|5| 
-  * 20 - Lock (or more!+|Ring mail|30| 
-  * 15 - Manacles +|Chain mail|75| 
-  * 5  - Musical instrument (kazooslide whistlemelodicaetc.) +|Plate armor|100| 
-  * 1  - Parchment (5 sheets) + 
-  * 1  - Pole (10 footof them!) +===== Grimoire ===== 
-  * 1  - Pot (ironof them!) +====Charm Person==== 
-  * 1  - Day's Rations +This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s attitude as friendly). 
-   - Rope (50 feetupgrade to silk for only 10 coins!+ 
-  * 2  - Sack +The spell does not enable you to control the charmed person as if it were an automatonbut it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful ordersbut it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. You must speak the person’s language to communicate your commandsor else be good at pantomiming
-  * 2  Shovel + 
-  * 1  Signal whistle (2 of them!+====Detect Magic==== 
-  * 25 - Spellbook (Alas, blank!) +You detect magical auras. 
-  * 1  - Iron spikes (20 of them!) + 
-  * 10 - Tent +====Hold Portal==== 
-  * 1  Torch (100 of them!) +This spell magically holds shut a doorgate, window, or shutter of wood, metal, or stone. The magic affects the portal just as if it were securely closed and normally locked. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate a hold portal spell. 
-  * 1  - Waterskin + 
-  * 1  - Wolfsbane (10 wolves worth?)+====Light==== 
 +This spell causes an object to glow like a torchshedding bright light from the point you touch. 
 +====Magic Missile==== 
 +A missile of magical energy darts forth from your fingertip and strikes its target. 
 +====Protection from Chaos / Law==== 
 +This spell wards a creature from attacks (+Spunk, as light armor) by chaotic (or lawfulpick onecreatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures.  
 +Arcane Material Component: A little powdered silver with which you trace a 3-foot -diameter circle on the floor (or groundaround the creature to be warded. 
 +Duration: one hour 
 +====Read Languages==== 
 +====Read Magic==== 
 +By means of read magic, you can decipher magical inscriptions on objects—books, scrolls, weapons, and the like—that would otherwise be unintelligible. This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed scroll. Furthermore, once the spell is cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of read magic. 
 +Shield creates an invisible, tower shield-sized mobile disk of force that hovers in front of you. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. 
 +A sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon creatures worth up to 4 dice. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Sleep does not target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures. 
 +===== Player Characters ===== 
 +[[Stror of Caskvale]]
dyson_s_delfs.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/04 13:13 by Mike Holmes