Table of Contents

The Binding of Laurus

Audeo is a game of daring adventure in a dangerous land of fantasy not unlike Dungeons and Dragons. In order to play, you'll need an Adventurer. Here you will find all the rules that link the world of Laurus to the methods used in Adventurer Creation.

This is broken into two parts: Tables, and Processes. Tables are 1 to 6 indexes of ideas connected to the world of Laurus, and Processes are what each does in the rules itself. There are a whooping 26 tables with 6 entries each, and 16+ processes!

1st Phase Tables

These tables are used early on to shape the overall idea of the adventurer. Here they are:


Index Land
1 Crowned Valley, City
2 Crowned Valley, Village
3 Crowned Valley, Wild
4 Underground, Upper
5 Badlands, Skirts
6 Deadlands

1)4,5,6 are Dangerous Lands.


Index Race
1 Seges
2 Macto
3 Vetu
4 Arks
5 Tantil
6 Fabri

2nd Phase Tables

These tables are used to define the early experiences of an adventurer and are used second in the creation process:


Index Mentor
1 Warrior
2 Sorcerer
3 Rogue
4 Leader
5 Hunter
6 Specialist


Index Event
1 Fellowship
2 Limited Wealth
3 Renown
4 Legendary Find
5 A Title
6 Love

Failed Pursuit

Index Pursuit
1 2nd Age Legend
2 1st Age Myth
3 Minor Devil in the Valley
4 Capture Famous Outlaw
5 Skirmish War Hero
6 Recover Horde on the Skirts

Hard Times

Index Event
1 Hounded
2 Scorned
3 Broke
4 Drafted
5 Enslaved
6 Sickness

3rd Phase Tables

These tables are used in the third and final phase of adventurer creation: elective options. Exploits take place in the place where the adventurer was Named, so use that 2)chart. Encounters are the same but take place in the land where your adventurer Grew up.

Exploits: City

Index Event
1 Measurable Loss
2 Minor Injustice
3 Specialist
4 Sound Work
5 Street Status
6 Library Delve

Exploits: Village

Index Ability
1 Rogue
2 Casual Happiness
3 Fellowship
4 Favorable Raid
5 Toiling Term
6 Sustained Drought

Exploits: Wild

Index Disease
1 Moment of Glory
2 Terrible Secret
3 Enslaved
4 Heated Battle
5 Lost in the Bush
6 Wicked Find

Exploits: Dangerous

Index Disease
1 Warrior
2 Sorcerer
3 Renown
4 Cursed Treasure
5 Brutal Battle
6 Clash with Spirit

Encounter: City

Index Event
1 Minor Injustice
2 Trivial Felicity
3 Measurable Loss
4 Limited Wealth
5 Leader
6 Specialist

Encounter: Village

Index Event
1 Casual Happiness
2 Measurable Loss
3 Minor Injustice
4 Fellowship
5 Hunter
6 Rogue

Encounter: Wild

Index Event
1 Terrible Secret
2 Measurable Loss
3 Moment of Glory
4 Broke
5 Sickness
6 Enslaved

Encounter: Dangerous

Index Event
1 Moment of Glory
2 Measurable Loss
3 Touched
4 Renown
5 Warrior
6 Sorcerer

Additional Tables

These tables are called upon by 1st, 2nd, or 3rd tables to add additional details.


Index Touched
1 Blessed
2 Ill-fated
3 Doomed
4 Spirit-bound
5 Evolved
6 Devil-kin

Magical Means

Index Means
1 Spirit Binding Method
2 Elemental Summoning Technique
3 Alchemist's Art
4 Celestial Circle Stance
5 Fate Transfixing Meditation
6 Solar Focusing Spirit

Minor Misfortune

Index Event
1 Harrowing Accident
2 Public Humiliation
3 Costly Misjudgment
4 String of Bad Luck
5 Betrayed by Friend
6 Bereft for a Spell

Random Ability

Index Ability
1 Push
2 Drive
3 Hurry
4 Sharp
5 Trick
6 +1 Ip

Horrific Disease

Index Disease
1 Wild Blight
2 The Wasting
3 Night Madness
4 Possession
5 Devil Blood
6 Snow Syndrome


Index Manna
1 Solar Diamonds
2 Corona Dew Drops
3 Spirit Crystal
4 Iced Steel
5 Fire Gems
6 Radiant Gold

Uncommon Means

Index Means
1 Deft Intrigue
2 Mastermind
3 Sturdy Arms
4 Serious Expertise
5 Spirit Guide
6 Mythical Artifact

Common Means

Index Means
1 Practiced Husbandry
2 Skilled Forestry
3 Building and Smithing
4 Artful Trading
5 Valley History
6 Legends and Myths

Major Misfortune

Index Event
1 Disfigured
2 Hated
3 Cursed
4 Enfeebled
5 Delusional
6 Crippled

Random Allegiance

Index Event
1 The Guardians of the Crown
2 A Prominent Church
3 Some Mighty Guild
4 A Clandestine Power
5 One Noble Family
6 Elder Faction

Interesting Merit

Index Merit
1 Inner Wisdom
2 Steadfast Honor
3 Polished Bravery
4 Natural Ingenuity
5 Unbridled Ambition
6 Reckless Abandon


Index ?
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?

Unfolding Tables

These tables are used in the Unfolding adventurer creation process.

Upbringing Tables

Roll Any Civilized Uncivilized
1 Crowned Valley, City Crowned Valley, City Crowned Valley, Wild
2 Crowned Valley, Village Crowned Valley, City Crowned Valley, Wild
3 Crowned Valley, Wild Crowned Valley, Village Crowned Valley, Wild
4 Underground, Upper Crowned Valley, Village Underground, Upper
5 Badlands, Skirts Crowned Valley, Wild Badlands, Skirts
6 Deadlands Crowned Valley, Wild Deadlands

Early Experiences Tables

Roll Any Safe Dangerous
1 Mentor Mentor Mentor
2 Mentor Mentor Failed Pursuit
3 Failed Pursuit Mentor Windfall
4 Failed Pursuit Windfall Windfall
5 Windfall Failed Pursuit Hard Times
6 Hard Times Hard Times Hard Times

1st Processes

These processes are used first to shape the adventurer overall.


The land where your adventurer was born and likely spent their early years.

  1. Crowned Valley, City: Gain +1 Sharp, +1 Trick.
  2. Crowned Valley, Village: Gain +1 Push and +1 Drive.
  3. Crowned Valley, Wild: Gain +1 Hurry, and the Merit: Cunning or one of your making.
  4. Underground, Skirts: Gain +1 Drive, +1 Ip.
  5. Badlands, Skirts: Gain +1 Push, +1 Ip.
  6. Deadlands: Roll/choose on breakout table Touched.


The land where your adventurer was grew up and first learned of the world.

  1. Crowned Valley, City: Gain +1 Trick, and the Merit: Educated or another of your making.
  2. Crowned Valley, Village: Gain +1 Sharp, and the Merit: Hearty or another of your making.
  3. Crowned Valley, Wild: Gain +1 Hurry and +1 Ip.
  4. Underground, Skirts: Accept one of the following impressions: “Glory Hound”, “Reckless Daredevil”, “Treaure Seeker” or make up one of your own that fits a childhood of dangerous adventure in the skirts of the underground. Roll/choose from the breakout table Uncommon Means.
  5. Badlands, Skirts: Gain +1 to Hurry, Sharp, and Trick, but also roll/choose on the supplemental table Minor Misfortune.
  6. Deadlands: Gain +1 Ip, +1 Xp, and take the Race: Vetu (the only ones that can survive in the deadlands). Ignore anything later that will define your race.


The land where your adventurer first gained a name for themselves, as something out of the ordinary.

  1. Crowned Valley, City: Gain the Fault: Cautious or another of your making, +1 Ip, and roll on the Windfall table.
  2. Crowned Valley, Village: Gain the Merit: Diligent or another of your making, and roll on the Failed Pursuit table.
  3. Crowned Valley, Wild: Gain the Means: Woodsman's Bow and Pack or another of your making, and roll on the Hard Times table.
  4. Underground, Skirts: Gain +1 to Hurry, Sharp, and Trick, roll on the Minor Misfortune table.
  5. Badlands, Skirts: Gain +1 to Push and Drive, +1 Ip, and the Fault: Overconfident or another of your making.
  6. Deadlands: Gain the Merit: Champion or another of your making, and roll on the Major Misfortune table.


The race of your adventurer.

  1. Seges: Tall thin humans that live long, Vetu-kin, the brains. Gain +1 Hurry and the Means: Seges Genius.
  2. Macto: Short stocky humans that live short, Arks-kin, the brawn. Gain +1 Push and the Means: Macto Brawn.
  3. Vetu: Elves, immortal lithe people and those that speak to spirits. Gain +1 Trick and the Means: Vetu Spirit Tongue.
  4. Arks: Dwarves, short-lived stocky people and the builders of wonders. Gain +1 Drive and the Means: Arks Engineering.
  5. Tantil: Halflings, young race of small mischief makers and warm hearts. Gain +1 Sharp and the Means: Tantil Antics.
  6. Fabri: Gnomes, young race of tiny spirit seeing people with boundless curiosity. Gain the Means: Fabri Spirit Touch and the Fault: Naive.

2nd Processes

These processes are used second to give increased definition to the adventurer.

Experiences: Mentor

For all of the following, give the narrator an idea of who your mentor was, and let them flesh the mentor out for you.

  1. Warrior: You are mentored by a Warrior of some note. Take the impression “Able Man at Arms” or create something similar in your own particular idiom. Gain the means “A Warrior's Arms”.
  2. Sorcerer: You are mentored by a Sorcerer of noted ability. Take the impression “Disciplined Practitioner of Sorcery” or create something similar in your own particular idiom. Roll on the Magical Means table or choose one from it.
  3. Rogue: You find a mentor of ill-repute but outstanding ability, a worthy thief or confidence man. Take the impression “A Roguish Wink and Smile” or create something similar in your own particular idiom. Roll on the Windfall table.
  4. Leader: You are taken under the wing of an established leader (roll an Allegiance for them). Take the impression “Radiates the Natural Charisma of a Leader” or create something similar in your own particular idiom. Roll on the Failed Pursuit table for the results of your first (second, or third) time leading a party.
  5. Hunter: A capable hunter discovers your potential and refines it. Take the impression “Sure Footed Stance of the Hunter” or create something similar in your own particular idiom. Create a Means that fits your hunting style or just take: “Highly Sharpened Senses”.
  6. Specialist: A specialist in a refined field of knowledge recruits and educates you. Take the impression “Accomplished Researcher” or something similar in your own particular idiom. Earn the Merit: Educated or create another that fits your training.

Experiences: Failed Pursuit

For each of these the narrator creates the name of the pursuit and the overall idea of it and how it went. The player of the adventurer fills in why it failed and how their adventurer made it out. The player may elect to reduce Major Misfortunes here to Minor for the price of two gold each.

  1. 2nd Age Legend: You heard about and tried to chase down a legend from the second age of Laurus. Roll a die. If you get 3 or less it ended badly and you take a Minor Misfortune (roll/choose) and all three abilities +1. If you get 4 or more it ended horribly bad and you take a Major Misfortune (roll/choose) and give all five abilities +1.
  2. 1st Age Myth: You heard about and tried to chase down a myth from the first age of Laurus. Roll a die. If you get 2 or less it ended badly and you take a Minor Misfortune (roll/choose) and +2 Hurry. If you get 3 or more it ended horribly bad and you take a Major Misfortune (roll/choose) and give all three abilities +1. Gain +1 Ip either way.
  3. Minor Devil in the Valley: You tracked down and tried to deal with a minor Devil that made its way into the valley. Roll two dice and assign the results to Windfall and Minor Misfortune as you like.
  4. Capture Famous Outlaw: You and a small group hunted down and faced off with a famous outlaw in an attempt to bring them to justice, but failed. Roll for an Uncommon Means, or a Common Means and earn a Windfall.
  5. Skirmish War Hero: You and a small militia fought in a skirmish war battle some time ago. Take the Merit: Uncommon Valor or one of your making.
  6. Recover Horde on the Skirts: You and others attempted to recover a horde of treasure on the skirts of the Badlands. However things didn't go as planned and a Devil fought you all back. You escaped, but were Touched in the process (roll/choose) and gained an Uncommon Means (roll/choose).

Experiences: Windfall

Talk in a give and take way with the narrator to give these some definition, and stop when both of you feel you know enough about them.

  1. Fellowship: The adventurer has discovered a true friend in a group or a valued place of their own in a group of some note (roll on the allegiance table). Earn +2 Ip and +1 to a random/chosen Ability.
  2. Limited Wealth: The adventurer has accumulated some amount of wealth in their named land. They gain the Means: Limited Personal Wealth or another Means of player design which they purchased with their wealth.
  3. Renown: The adventurer has more than just been named, they have created a name for themselves that resides in great deal of people's minds. Create a Story point that describes why, and earn +1 Ip.
  4. Legendary Find: The adventurer has discovered or seized from another a legendary item from the 2nd age. Take the Fault: Greed or another of your making and gain Means that describes the item (narrator supplies).
  5. A Title: The adventurer has earned a title or one has been bestowed upon them for some reason. This both gives them enhanced rights in the civilized lands, and demands from them minor duties. Decide on a title in conjunction with the narrator, creating a Story point for it. Add a fitting impression for this title, possibly just the title itself to the adventurer's definition.
  6. Love: The adventurer has found genuine love in an otherwise brutal world. This both gives them strength and burdens them, work on what this means with the narrator and create a Story point for it. Draw two more Aura cards of your choice at the start of the adventure.

Experiences: Hard Times

The narrator is compelled here to expand on any details of the hard times that might need filled in, just ask as needed.

  1. Hounded: The adventurer has fallen out of favor with a powerful group (roll on the random Allegiance table). They have been hounded by them for sometime because of this, create a Story point about it. Roll/choose on the Uncommon Means table.
  2. Scorned: The adventurer has been publicly blacklisted by the majority of the populace for some reason, create a Story point about it. Gain the Merit: Grim Heart.
  3. Broke: The adventurer fell on hard times and lost everything. However, they clawed out of this period, tooth and nail. Roll/Choose on the Minor Misfortune table and the Common Means.
  4. Drafted: The adventurer was drafted by a powerful group, taken into service forcefully but not without rights (roll on the random Allegiance table). Gain the Fault: Conciliatory and create a Story point about how they finally freed themselves from duty.
  5. Enslaved: The adventurer was taken into a powerful group (roll Allegiance table) by force as a slave (legally possible in various circumstances, being a known criminal being the most common). Gain the Means: Steely Resolve or another of your making and roll on the Minor Misfortune table.
  6. Sickness: The adventurer contracted one of the common horrible diseases (roll on the Horrible Disease table), though it eventually subsided or was cured (possibly miraculously). Roll/choose three +1 abilities, earned from the time taken to heal or the magic used in the cure.

3rd Processes

These processes are used by the electives, encounters and exploits for the adventurer.


These are all important moments experienced by the adventurer in the land which they grew up, during their youth.


These are all important moments experienced by the adventurer in the land which they were named, during their early journeys in the world.





Additional Processes

These processes are used by breakout tables and other sources to give more form to the adventurer.

Minor Misfortune

  1. Harrowing Accident: You barely escaped death from a gruesome accident, describe that in some detail in a Story point. Gain the Fault: Jumps at Shadows or another of your making and +1 to two random abilities.
  2. Public Humiliation: You were publicly humiliated because of a glaring mistake or possibly a setup. Describe that in some detail as a Story point. Gain the Fault: Social Anxiety or another of your making, +1 Ip, and 2 Gold.
  3. Costly Misjudgment: Due to a misjudgment you committed a grave error which cost you dearly. Describe in a Story point and gain a Common Means along with +2 Ip.
  4. String of Bad Luck: You fell into a sequence of bad turns which led you into a really bad place. Describe in a Story point and gain an Uncommon Means.
  5. Betrayed by Friend: At a critical moment, someone you thought of as a friend turned out to be not that at all and betrayed you grievously. Describe that in a Story point and gain Impression “My Trust Must Be Earned” or another fitting one of your choice and +1 to a random ability.
  6. Bereft for a Spell: For more than a year you were penniless and without a friend, the things you did then were not you but none-the-less you can't forget them. Describe in a story-point and either gain the Merit: Unbelievable Grit or one of your making, an Uncommon Means, or a Magical Means.

Major Misfortune

These all get recorded as Story points for your adventurer, and apply their rules to your adventurer as you play. Some are pretty nasty stuff, but all of them do give your adventurer a surprising edge in play.

  1. Disfigured: You have been seriously disfigured by some accident or battle. Whenever a risky action involves social means, raise its challenge one.
  2. Hated: You are hated among most people for something you are or have done. Whenever this affects risky action, raise its challenge one.
  3. Cursed: You have been cursed by a spirit or “the spirits” for something you are or have done. Whenever you meet Destiny, discard your highest valued card before they are counted.
  4. Enfeebled: Your mind doesn't always work like it should, it often stutters and you pause. If you choose to do so for a risky action you fail and earn one Gold. If you choose not to do so and act normally, pay one Gold.
  5. Delusional: You believe something that just isn't true due to mental defect or disease. When your delusion is triggered by something in the fiction (narrator's choice) you must pay one Gold for rolled hits or they don't count.
  6. Crippled: You have a lame arm or leg, or are missing an arm or a leg. Regardless you are seriously impaired physically, and all physical risky actions carry one additional challenge. In addition, the narrator can simply say “you can't manage that” and then you fail but get to buy an Aura card of your choice for one Gold.

Horrific Disease

While each of these has their own fictional concept the rules all work the same. Decide if your adventurer overcame the disease of was cured. If they overcame it, they were Touched (roll on that table). If they were cured, they gain a Magical Means (roll on that table), though its corrupt.

  1. Wild Blight: This blight attacks the nerves and paralyzes. Earn -1 Hurry if you survive it.
  2. The Wasting: This disease cause massive muscle wasting and eventual death. Earn -1 Push if you survive it.
  3. Night Madness: This disease makes the victim suffer madness instead of normal sleep. Earn -1 Sharp if you survive it.
  4. Possession: This is a disease of the spirit, a weakness, that lets a spirit of the world claim you and take control of you. Earn -1 Drive if you survive it.
  5. Devil Blood: This disease slowly turns you into a Devil, like those that come from the Badlands. Earn -1 Trick if you survive it.
  6. Snow Syndrome: This rare disease causes your skin to turn blue and icy and eventually you expire from frostbite. Earn -2 Gold if you survive it.


Once these are gained by an adventurer, they never ever leave. Mark them down with some details about how they were gotten under Story as a point. Use their rules in addition to normal play rules.

  1. Blessed: You have been blessed by the Glorious First Sun. From now on you must draw Brilliance Aura if you have the choice, or pay 1 Gold to choose another.
  2. Ill-fated: You have been ill-fated by the Glorious First Sun. From now on you must draw Protean Aura if you have a choice, or pay 1 Gold to choose another.
  3. Doomed: You have been doomed by the Glorious First Sun. From now on you must draw Shadow Aura if you have a choice, or pay 1 Gold to choose another.
  4. Spirit-Bound: You have been bound with a spirit of the world. This is a melding, not something that can be undone easily. In fact it is hard to tell when you begin and the spirit ends now. If you don't have a Magical Means, gain one, but its corrupt. If you have one, corrupt it.
  5. Evolved: You are something more than your race, you are the next step in one possible evolution path. Add +1 to all your abilities and +3 Ip, but all normal Gold costs are increased one (only the standard base costs, not anything listed on these charts for instance).
  6. Devil-kin: The end result of the disease Devil-blood, but something you avoided being put to death. Now you are part devil and part <race>. Always roll two more dice than you should for your rolls, but when you meet Destiny have the narrator step backward twice instead of once.


Manna, in the “of the heavens” sense, are celestial goods your adventurer gained by chance or merit during their life in the lands of Laurus. All of these count as special Means in the definition of your adventurer. The narrator will determine when they can be used, based on how you fill in their details.

  1. Solar Diamonds: Your adventurer has 1d6 solar diamonds. These amazing gems glow in the dark and are believed to have landed on Laurus from the realm of the Glorious Sun. They have the known ability to smite Devils and dominate Spirits. The three races of the Underground covet them above all else.
  2. Corona Dew Drops: Your adventurer has collected 2d6 drops of dew from the morning glitter of the Ingens Corona over the years. These rare drops have healing powers of some note, and can cure many diseases given the proper ritual.
  3. Spirit Crystal: Your adventurer has uncovered a piece of spirit crystal, a clear but refractive crystal that scatters light in a prismatic way. This crystal has the energy of a faded Spirit trapped within, and this can be tapped via Magical Means for energy. It is a perpetual source, and renews in 1d6 hours after being used.
  4. Iced Steel: This pale blue-gray steel is always cold to the touch, and becomes like the coldest ice when in the dark. It is nearly unbreakable and can only be worked in the burning light of the three suns. Decide the form of the steel. If you wear something made from it, you can thrive in the lands outside the Valley, and are immune to all forms of heat and light.
  5. Fire Gems: Your adventurer has gained 1d6 fire gems. These were formed in the ritual used by the Priests of Nitor to raise the Ingens Corona to their skyscraper heights, and are thought to contain the pure form of the magic they sacrificed in that process. A gem is said to be able to allow one the power to make their own city from nothing, but no one yet has the prowess to use them. Everyone seeks fire gems, and they demand the highest price of all things known in Crowned Valley.
  6. Radiant Gold: Your adventurer has 2d6 coins of radiant gold from the 1st age. These coins reflect a prismatic spread of light, as as light as paper, and stronger than Iced Steel. However no one knows in these times the methods used to work them. However, that doesn't mean they aren't valuable. Trade one and you could own a small village or buy a home in the largest city.



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See Encounters and Exploits, 3rd Phase
All dangerous lands are one group in 3rd phase tables