Table of Contents

Human Societies in the 32nd Century

Centaurus Gate is a scifi themed RPG based on a rebuild of WEG's Star Wars D6 game and inspired heavily by Farscape. Return to the Universe.

The Society of Tomorrow

Humanity in the 32nd century is a bit removed from our ideas in the modern world. Governments exist to merely work with Avery's social system and manage local spaces. They are no longer included in the concept of identity people hold for themselves. Just because you were born in the Altair system under the Altair government doesn't make you an Altairian. That concept is just defunct. All humans are one people, regardless of race and creed.

Replacing the stratification that nation and race identity caused is a new system: ideals. Humans belong to societies, groups of people that all share the same ideals and values. These societies are the social power of the human landscape too, each having power based on the number of members it claims. The top ten such societies are listed below, with a small blurb about them and their ideals.

In general it is an unwritten rule that the choices made by a society are made by its members in massive votes. Only one of the top ten societies does not follow that guideline (see the Expedition Task Force below). This means that public votes are called for often on the net, and the total weight of the society backs the majority vote in all matters. This is how societies influence and shape the rules of the human world, adjusting something simply known as The Code. This is a set of laws and rules which is interpreted by Avery as it manages the total social system.

Societies do not always get along, and while all out war hasn't happened in centuries, surgical strikes including all sorts of violence are not unheard and not illegal as defined by The Code. Since the vocal people on the net are the ones that begin motions that lead to votes that change The Code, these people are the ones often at risk for such actions. Misdirection and intrigue abound in the human world of the 32nd century.

The Top Ten by Majority

  1. Expedition Task Force: The ETF is the largest society at the moment, a very recent occurrence. It began when a small segment of the Gray Skulls broke off and decided a new society was needed to manage exploration of the expanse. It is the only purpose driven society in the top ten, vs. the other ideal based societies. It currently claims 80% or all humanity as members and has a directing board led by a lady named Spencer.
  2. Phoenix Guard: The Guard is the second largest society by membership, and embraces the ideals of freedom. They have shaped The Code the most over the years, and until the sudden upstart introduction of the ETF, have always been the largest society. While the society exposes true freedom, it actually spends most of its efforts designing systems that encourage and direct freedom in functional ways. The Guard has no small hatred of all I3, and see them as a scourge on humanity. In a weird twist, the Guard is the only society openly backed and promoted by Avery (the largest I3).
  3. Silver Sentinels: The Sentinels are the the third largest society by majority of members. They are focused soley on promoting the freedom and well-being of the myriad I3s which are woven so closely into the fabric of the human social system. In addition, they are the only society that still thinks the SuperState is not a worthless venture.
  4. Gray Skulls: The Gray Skulls is the fourth largest society by membership, and embraces the pursuit of knowledge as an end itself. They are comprised of mostly scientists and academics, and are working on something called Overflow, which would let humanity access Avery's knowledge on the Whitenet directly without interfacing with his intelligence. Overall much blood has been spilled between the Sentinels and Skulls over this venture, which they find repulsive.
  5. Red Rose Brigade: The Red Rose Brigade is an organization that espouses the belief that humanity's value lies in their physical form and perfection of said form. They are surprisingly non-violent, and seek development of martial arts and styles to better understand and connect to the human form. The society formed as a backlash against the issues that occurred when the SuperState went live a century ago (and was quickly shutdown).
  6. Golden Artisans: The Golden Artisans are consumed with the idea of building better ISOtech. Generation 3, the modern version of ISOtech, is entirely their work on generation 2. The ideal they embrace is better living through technology, and nothing can't be fixed or enriched with ISOtech. Avery and the Artisans have a standoff at the moment, as Avery has declared that it won't allow Generation 4 integration into the social system unless several undisclosed demands are met first. Rumor has it that ISOtech 4 is right around the corner, if it wasn't for Avery's demands.
  7. Weavers: The Weavers embrace the important of material technology over all else, declaring that the glorious state of humanity would be unattainable without the amazing nano-built materials that go into the hull of every starship and station. They aren't oblivious to the fact that they need ISOtech to work their craft, but argue that anything beyond Generation 1 (which is all they need for their work) is pure opulence and a waste of resources. They are considered the cautious, conservative society by most (and with good reason).
  8. Light Runners: The Light Runners are racers, speed is their king. They are the ones building the fastest runner class starships to achieve record breakneck speeds. Many of the propulsion advancements that have arisen over the years have come from their work. They are often the most reckless of all societies, prone to action before evaluation.
  9. Midnight Collective: One of the stranger groups, the midnight collective is a society which wants to see the social system built by Avery torn down entirely. However they have settled for one day every two weeks during which Avery and the system are shutdown for maintenance. The people call this day 'Midnight' and the The Code is not enforced during this time. The thing that stops this day from becoming true anarchy is that without the system, most everything shuts down that day. Starships stop, stations lock up, its almost like the world stands still. However most people use that as a party and holiday, an occasion to break free of busy lives and just do whatever.
  10. Indigo: This group is the one responsible for building and maintaining much of the Blacknet. Their ideal is privacy, which they feel can only be achieved with modern encryption and cryptography in the current day and age. No other society likes Indigo much, but they all turn to them for services when they need data protected and Blacknet spaces carved out.

Whitenet and Blacknet

Clandestine Societies of Note