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Game Concept: Shreyas Sampat

From: Mike Holmes, willows - Under Directory: Game Design

This is a RPG about halflings. Halflings live in a world of adventure that spins around them like a thunderstorm. But the halflings themselves are small, and live underground, and are largely forgotten by the world. They live mostly to eat at least seven meals a day, sit around and smoke their leaf, and chat idly about nothing more controversial than the changing of the seasons.

But for some poor halflings, the adventure comes and grapples them by the neck and throws them out in to the storm. Halflings being neither mighty, nor otherwise athletic or wise, mostly survive on their simple memories of their home, and getting back. Food reminds them of home, and gives them hope. A full-bellied halfling is actually a pretty hardy little creature, and they can accomplish amazing things when well fed. Fortunately if they do not have the skill of warriors or scouts, they at least have the ability to prepare themselves good things to eat, whereby they fortify themselves to face all manner of evil.

These are the stories of their gustatory quests…



Some tentative ideas for classes.

Those classes not in the Chef, Consumer, Drunkard, or Toppings categories can be considered to be in a general “food preparation” category.

Halfling Stats

Belly Points

A measure of a halfling's capacity to tuck away grub. Belly Points are gained mostly through eating, and lost by adventuring. This statistic is actually composed of two ratings, the Halfling's Full Belly Points, FBP, and his Current Belly Points, CBP. The ratio between these ratings determines the halfling's “Hunger State.”


A halfling can eat to the point where he has as many as half-again more CBP than his FBP. Thus a halfling with a FBP of 30 could eat up and get up to 45 Belly Points. When between 31 and 45 Belly Points, the halfling would be overstuffed. Overstuffed halflings waddle about slowly, and don't get a lot done. But they aren't in any jeopardy of starving any time soon, and halflings often overstuff “just in case.”


A halfling with exactly as many CBP as FBP is full. This is a happy halfling indeed, and they operate quite effectively.


A halfling with less CBP than FPB, but more than half it's FBP is hungry. Our example halfling would be hungry from 16 to 29 CBP. A halfling who is hungry is dangerous to the world, but is also in danger himself of falling into a starving state. Hungry halflings usually seek to become full again.


A Halfling with less CBP than FBP is starving. A starving halfling is a bitchy little whiner good for nothing but finding more food, if that. Don't let your halfling starve. Please.


Food, glorious food. The key to halfling happiness. Foods come in two forms, unprepared, and prepared (which are created from unprepared foods). Below are links to each type, with notes on various foods, including the number of dice of Belly Points each generates when consumed.

Unprepared Foods

Prepared Foods


Both for preparing food, and consuming it, utensils are the key tools halflings need to really enjoy their meals.


Adventuring (AKA Finding Your Way Back Home)

No halfling wants to be away from his safe cozy hole back home, stuffed to the rafters with easy to reach grub. But that's where the characters in this game have ended up, somewhere far from their holes, and unable to return directly due to various twists of fate. Below is a link to notes on what the Grub Master has to know to create blockades to prevent the halflings from easily returning home.
