Game Design
Here is a short index of games being designed or the design discussed on wishray wiki:
Obscurity - The rules for the offline, lite version of The Game of Shadows.
LiveHack - a d20 hack, where the whole world is a dungeon!
GTX - A Transformers Inspired RPG.
Karbon - Blade Runner meets Ghost in the Shell.
Resonance - A board game focused on fostering a dynamic between cooperation and competition.
HAT - A game using the D20 rolls of D&D, HP, and AC but with a much different design agenda.
Audeo - A game about daring adventure in a typical fantasy world.
In Media Res - A roleplaying game about cyberpunk and scifi with classic gaming ideas.
game_design.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/18 12:12 by jasonp