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Moments of Madness in Karbon

This is how Moments of Madness are handled in the rules for playing Karbon. In these cases, the Agent suffers a temporary mental break and has to deal with the Fallout of it.

The Process

  1. The Agent makes a Doubt draft, rolling a six-sided die and if its higher than their Doubt (or six) increase Doubt one. Moments of Madness always make the Agent more likely to be labeled a Karbon. Once an Agent has 7 doubt they are a Karbon.
  2. If the Agent has one or more doubt, roll two ten-sided dice. For each die that comes up equal to or less than Doubt, record one Suspicion against the Agent. If an Agent has reached three or more Suspicion they are suspected of being a Karbon by the program and earn the Program Suspicion fallout.
  3. Roll a six-sided die to determine what form the madness takes:
    • 1) Paranoia
    • 2) Homicidal Mania
    • 3) Dementia
    • 4) Identity Crisis
    • 5) Obsession
    • 6) Breakdown
  4. Play out some short fiction in the current scene, or at the start of next scene if not in a scene, that reveals the temporary madness.

The Forms