Table of Contents

Earth Fleet Officer's Handbook

This is the handbook of operations for Earth Fleet, with suggested rules for various standard actions, equipment, and ship specifications. It is a supplement for These Are The Voyages, a LUPOS game.

General Orders

Earth fleet gives its officers a small set of crucial, don't break these!, orders. They are known as general orders. Here are the general orders of Earth Fleet, and what they mean in play. Violations of general orders are harshly disciplined. The general orders are listed in order of importance, from one to three. One supersedes two, and that supersedes three.

Second Grade Officer Training

All characters have a large amount of training, and this is reflected by their advantage dice pool in play. Officers on the hand, also have even more training, called Second Grade in the fleet. This training gives officers the following abilities.

Standard Ship Operations

This is a guide to the operations of a standard starship in Earth Fleet, we cover everything from security calls to emergency self-destruct.

Away Team Standard Operating Procedures

Fleet Standard Gear

Common Ship Tactics