Table of Contents

Gear in Paradox

Paradox is the latest attempt to create a viable system for Karbon.

Many Agents in the game have Explicit Steps that come from their special gear. Here is how we handle gear in Paradox.

The Whitelist

The Whitelist a laundry list of gear for Agents in Paradox, a roleplaying game about a future which questions many aspects of humanity. This list is grouped by item Class, which is the general type of item. Each item has all its rules for use in the game, and sometimes some fiction about the item itself.


Here are the classes of gear in karbon. Following a link will give you the data of all Whitelist gear under that class.

Ability Index

Here are the classes of gear in karbon as linked by their source Ability. Following a link will give you the data of all Whitelist gear under that class.