Steps in Paradox

Paradox is the latest attempt to create a viable system for Karbon.

There are 30 Simple Steps. 24 are split between the 12 Duties specifically and 6 are shared common steps.

Common Steps

Audacious Stunt

When you attempt a daring physical stunt to avoid harm or an obstacle, roll 5+. If you succeed, you avoid harm or the obstacle. Otherwise, you suffer Peril.

Brute Force

When you use physical force to confront someone or overcome an obstacle, roll 4+. If you succeed, deal harm or progress towards the target. Otherwise, pay Cool or you suffer peril.

Help/Hinder Other

When you act to help or hinder another, roll 4+. If you succeed, they earn +1 or -1 Advantage. Otherwise, pay one Cool or flounder.

Mark Detail

When you try to notice or remember something important, roll 3+. If you succeed, you notice or remember the thing, earn +1 Advantage when applicable. Otherwise, you pay 1 Cool or flounder.

Play Other

When you ?, roll 4+. If you succeed, ?. Otherwise, ?.

Work Intuition

When you ?, roll 4+. If you succeed, ?. Otherwise, ?.

Handling Steps

These steps are all focused on handling other people.

Coerce Other

Inspire Other

Interview Other

Lead Other

Persuade Other

Knowing Steps

These steps are all focused on knowing something that will offer advantage.

Know Details

Know Keys

Know Leader

Know Somebody

Running Steps

These steps are all about running. Running in the Karbon world means: owning, dominating, or taking control. So if you Run the wire, you take control of it.

Run Silent

Run Smart

Run Syndicate

Run Tactical

Working Steps

These steps are all about working something in order to gain advantage from it.

Work Angle

Work Expertise

Work Hardware

Work Network

Work Science

Work Shadows

Work Syndicate

Work Wire

Focused Steps

These focused steps are very specific in intent.

Examine Details

Explain Science

Design Solution