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Name: Alex Raiss

Sex/Gender: Cis AFAB



  • Str: 4
  • Int: 5
  • Agi: 4
  • Con: 3
  • Edu: 8
  • Cha: 9
  • Emp: 2
  • Wil: 5

Passion: 4


  • Background: Parents are “corporate employees”. Not sure exactly where in the hierarchy. It wasn't discussed, but it can be said that they often had many bigwigs at their house for parties and such.
  • School or Career: Graduated from college with a bachelors in Journalism. Hired on with corporation in LA.
  • Advanced Schooling or Career: Advanced into a higher position in the corp media life. Trusted Investigative journalist
  • Career
  • Career
  • Career


(distribute 45 points between skills and gear, based on how they were obtained from each phase).

  • Acrobatics 1
  • Act/Bluff 5
  • Business 2
  • Computer Op 2
  • Disguise 3
  • Foreboding EMP 2
  • Human Emp EMP 3
  • Interrog 4
  • Leadership 2
  • Luck 4
  • Melee Cmbt 2
  • Navigation 1
  • Observation 4
  • Persuasion 3
  • Psychology 1
  • Stealth 2
  • Tracking 2
  • Vehicle Use 1
  • Cool 1


(distribute 15 points to gear. Points not spent on gear may be spent on skills instead, but they may not stack higher than the limits that the skill would have given how many phases it was obtained in.)

  • Thing 1
  • Thing 2


(The player may select one contact from each phase of their development, related to that phase. These may be held until after generation to be fleshed out at need, and where plausible.)

  • Her
  • Him
  • Her
  • Him
  • Her
  • Him


(replace the placeholders below with any ongoing hinderances carried by the character)

  • Pain
  • Suffering
dark_conspiracy/alex_raiss.1542148128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/13 14:28 by revane