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Pablo Verasante

A client who contacted Mai about finding his missing niece Rosa. He gave Mai Rosa's Emails.



Missing niece of Pablo Verasante, a custodial worker (not resident) at the Coca-Cola Employee Housing Village (CCEHV) in Chicago.



Rosa's room-mate, a nurse at the CCEHV before her murder, which occurred shortly before Rosa's disappearance. She worked in the Creche.


Barbara Jones

Another of Rosa's room-mates, she is the witness who establishes most of the timeline regarding both Maria's murder and Rosa's disappearance. A nurse at


Victor Dalechenko

Rosa's boyfriend, Victor helped Rosa gain access to a file regarding a couple who had been involved with adopting one of the children from the Creche at the CCEHV. Was told by somebody not to talk to anyone with regards to Rosa's disappearance.



Cyborg who ambushed Mai and Leo when they came to check on her and her husband, Roosevelt. Currently locked up in a cage at the base. Fanatically loyal to Dr. Seabach who apparently may have been involved with her current cybernetic form.

Dr. Seabach

The head of medical services at the CCEHV, former supervisor of Maria above.


dark_conspiracy/case_of_the_missing_girl.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/25 01:55 by mike_holmes