Gaslight is a peer to peer, portable, Java driven online gaming client backed by a wiki and forum. Running Gaslight isn't about chatting, its about gaming. In particular, gaming roleplaying games which harness the power of modern technology. When you run Gaslight, you'll be loading a game, and signing onto a network. As we are merely at the beginning of this awesome tool, only one game and a few networks exist. As more games and networks are introduced, you'll find information about them here.
Gaslight is backed by many features, all of which allow the user to envelope themselves into an online gaming experience like never before. Here is a summary of each.
Each network in Gaslight terms is a groups of collection of particular chronicles. Gaslight players also always 'belong' to a particular network, though they can operate and play chronicles in any of them without restriction. At the start, there are three networks available. More information on each can be found by following these links.
(Generated Network List Goes Here)
A game in Gaslight is a set of rules for the client and players that creates the interactions and atmosphere of the game itself. Right now only one game exists:
This wiki has the pipes namespace, a place for things which interact with the client directly. When you adjust things in here, you are changing the client itself. You must have the Manager title to operate in this wiki space.