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Skins are themes of appearance for the gaslight client. Each skin is a description of fonts, colors, and images that comprise the theme and how to use them. Each individual pane of the client (think window) can have its own theme, and the client can load them dynamically from this wiki as users create and share them.


Skins support (or will support) the following features:

  • OTF and TTF fonts with controllable rendering quality adjustments.
  • Scaling for the fonts in use on the screen.
  • Color schemes for various types of client screen text.
  • Images, gradients, patterns, and solid fills for areas of the screen.
  • Icon sets for the links offered by the client, links are commands too, so a total skinnable icon set.
gaslight/skins.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/15 12:14 by JasonP