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Blackout in Karbon

This is how Blackouts are handled in the rules for playing Karbon. In these cases, the Agent has been seriously impaired and/or loses consciousness. Fallout of it.

The Process

  1. You remove one Doubt from the Agent, if possible.
  2. You burn one Fortune of the Agent.
  3. The narrator determines the scope of the Blackout. This is one of the following:
    • Just out cold: The agent is just out cold for a bit and can return to the scene after another Agent hits a Break or a Glitch in a contest.
    • Out of Action: The agent is out of this scene totally, and will return in the next one. The agent rolls for a random loss: Card/Bank/Social/Mental/Physical/Ranks.
    • Down the Rabbit Hole: The agent is out of this scene entirely, and the scene may end depending on the situation and the whim of any remaining players. The next scene will be about what happens to the Agent, as they are in some new horrible situation: trapped, kidnapped, or so on.
karbon/basic_rules/blackout.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/28 12:19 by JasonP