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The Whitelist: White Lace

This is the list of stock White Lace gear for Karbon, part of The Whitelist.

Ghost White Rigging
  • Cost: 6 kcred, 3 steps
  • Training: Hand-Eye Force: 2
  • Feature(s): 1; Step/+2
  • Scope: Self, Wire
  • Ghost White Rigging is lace that better links the user through their Omni to a vehicle. When an agent commits to the behavior “rigging up a link” they earn the steps towards an applicable conflict.
Ivory Lines
  • Cost: 10 kcred, 4 steps
  • Training: Hand-Eye Force: 2
  • Feature(s): 1; Step/+2
  • Scope: Self
  • Ivory Lines is lace that gives the user automatic reflexes in battle, almost like an insect. When an agent commits to the behavior “being totally reactive” they earn the steps towards an applicable conflict. In addition, they may burn one fortune when they roll low (3-) to increase the roll one.
karbon/class/white_lace.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/23 12:21 by JasonP