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Paramilitary Footman


The Paramilitary footman was an accomplished fighter, part of a mercenary or corporate combat unit before being recruited by the program. Once they were, the trainers of the program saw their potential and raised their abilities to a whole new level. The highlight abilities of the Footman are Fight (with some Savvy too!) and the gear to back that up.


(4 points)

  • Body Overhaul: Raise all your immunities one step. At the end of any scene where you have seven or more fortune, you have a 4+ chance of losing one.
  • Deep Instruction: How did the agent get this special instruction?


(14 Points, 11 Ability, 3 Training)


  • Fight 5 [X]
  • Prowess 3 [X]
  • Hand-Eye 3 [X]
  • Prowl 3 [X]
  • Guile 2 [ ]
  • Hack 2 [ ]


  • Charm 2 [ ]
  • Standing 0 [ ]
  • Savvy 5 [ ]
  • Trickery 0 [ ]
  • Insight 2 [ ]
  • Scheme 0 [ ]


( 7 points = 69 kcred)

karbon/paramilitary_footman.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/23 12:22 by JasonP