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General Power Type Notes

Carried Powers

A carried power does damage only if the attack carrying it not only hits, but does damage. For instance, a poison dart has to not only hit it's target, but manage to penetrate armor and hide before the poison can be delivered.

Spell Conversions

Most spells have the advantage that there is no need to roll to hit, and the resolution can proceed directly to a damage roll of some sort. Further, few spells are halted by armor or the like, going up against raw defense ratings. Spell effects, even fully realized Transforms, may be dispelled, upon which the target reverts to normal.

Spell Familiarity

A player may elect to take a familiarity with a spell, as though it were a bit of equipment (using the cost for familiarities if taken during adventurer construction). This should be noted in the stat block of the spell power itself.

School Adherence

An adventurer who takes all spells from the same school gets a reduction in price of one AP for each spell. An adventurer who takes spells from multiple class lists has to pay one extra per spell.

Sample Spells

Sleep Dust

Sleep Dust targets two adjacent characters; the caster sprinkles dust on them that is enchanted by the spell to cause sleep.

  • Area of Effect: Two adjacent targets
  • Save: Will
  • Attribute Target: Int
  • Negative Trait: Sleepy. Sleepy recovers with a good night's sleep.
  • Effect: results in the character sleeping until the end of the effect, or they are awoken by being hit or through somebody taking a standard action to wake them.
  • Transforming: the character becomes a sleeping beauty, and need to have somebody special to them come and wake them.

AP Cost: 4

Charm Person

  • Area of Effect: One target
  • Save: Will
  • Attribute Target: Wisdom
  • Negative Trait: Suggestible. Suggestible recovers when the target has been given a good talking to.
  • Effect: target treats caster as friend, but other attitudes do not change.
  • Transforming: the target is permanently charmed.
powers.1327727409.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/01/27 21:10 by Mike Holmes