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SPECTER - Practice

The rules for Specter are designed to be easy to understand, modular in nature, and complex in implication. This is the reference of all specific situations and such in the game rules.


If you can create an effort of 11+, you have the option to trigger special rules. You have to pay a Push and roll a d10 under five plus the effort in excess of 10. So 11 effort is 6 or less, 12 is 7 or less, and 15 doesn't even need a roll (10 or less).


If your character is in a dangerous situation, you will know it. The GM doesn't need to fully explain the details (there can be hidden Blocks for instance that are revealed only when you roll) but they will tell you its risky. If you ever fail to Get By on an action that is Risky the GM will roll a d6 and try to beat your Effort. If the roll succeeds, things have gone very very badly.

specter/practice.1528020487.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 03:08 by jasonp