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GTX (Omicron)

From: JasonP - Under Directory: Game Design

This system is a high crunch, simulation-minded engine for roleplaying wicked cool transformers, inspired by Transformers. GTX is short for: Gaming Transformers eXperiment. The name of this working version of the game is Omicron, denoted for both its common usage in science fiction and that fact that it means 70 in greek, which is the amount of kilograms of alpha nanites each machine starts with.


The ideal system here is complicated, but not impossible to handle. It will allow you to use a point-buy system to design and create your transformer, with stats for all features it may have as a machine.

Die Codes

GTX uses a progressive array of die codes to value: ability, worth, and strength. Here are the die codes the game uses in their order, with standardized base costs. The higher the step and die code, the more value you have in a given rating, and the die cost is higher. The primary cost of a die is its number of faces, so that a d6 costs 6. You pay this for a die bought for primary uses. The secondary and tertiary costs are used for buying additional die codes for a given module.

Step DIE CODE COSTS: Primary Secondary Tertiary
1 d3 3 2 *
2 d4 4 3 1
3 d6 6 4 2
4 d8 8 6 3
5 d10 10 7 4
6 d12 12 8 5


Each transformer is a system of modules, a network that integrates a core module and then interfaces with additional modules. Beneath this level, they are made up of something just call alpha, which are living and replicating nanite machines too small to see. This game is about Omicron machines, and these start out with a total of 70 alpha and their core module is always a transforming gyro. In their world, they are the most evolved machine lifeform.

Modules are bought based on a total amount of alpha. This amount is determined by a somewhat complex system of rules. However it can be summarized as so:

  • Cost = (Primary cost for Use Die Code x Use Multiplier + Secondary cost for Versatility Die Code x Use Multiplier) / (Power to use + 1).

Lets provide an example. A simple drive gyro has a use multiplier of x2. To buy a simple drive gyro of d8 with 1 power to use: d8 has a primary cost of 8 and we multiply that times the use multiplier of x2 = 16. We have no versatility die, so we cost is 0 x 2 = 0. Finally we put the cost together as (16 + 0) / 2 = 8. So its 8 alpha for that simple drive gyro.

Primary Uses

Core Modules

Modules & Features

gtx.1337531296.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/20 09:28 by JasonP