Wishray Wiki

A central hub for intelligent game design and play.

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Jason A. Petrasko

A hobbyist programmer, avid gamer, exceptional drinker, and somewhat ok guy. He runs the gaslight development project from his server and home, http://wishray.com.


  • Gaslight - A portable java client for online gaming, particularly roleplay.
  • Obscurity - A tabletop or face-to-face system for playing The Game of Shadows.
  • Karbon - A roleplaying game inspired by Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell.
  • The Game of Shadows - A roleplaying game set in a mysterious, action-filled, pulp, steampunk Victorian-era England.
  • Wishray Wiki - A wiki for users and friends based on Dokuwiki.
  • Wishray Forum - A forum for users and friends based on SMF.
  • WoodChuck - A simple Java/Groovy framework for text file conversion.

Scratch Area

Investigative Moves For Karbon:

  • Scan the collected evidence
  • Go of the books
  • Interrogate a suspect
  • Interview a witness
  • Retrieve a person of interest
jasonp.1377388607.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/24 16:56 by JasonP