Exceptional Confidence Man
The Exceptional Confidence Man prides themselves on their quick wit and charm. They aren't afraid to use any means to get the job done, scamming and deceiving all the way. Per such, their highlight abilities are Guile and Charm, and they have two items of gear that back them: Corporate Encoded Sig and Reality Filter.
6 points
When they are interacting with others they may burn fortune to add bonus dice to applicable conflicts. In addition, add a level to Charm.
Career Criminal:
You can burn fortune after you spend kcred from your card and roll those dice. Keep the highest result and put that much kcred back onto your card.
Natural Genius:
You add one level to Hack and Guile. All rolls you make for Hack get a bonus die.
14 points (11 ability, 3 training)
Fight 2 [ ]
Prowess 2 [X]
Hand-Eye 2 [ ]
Prowl 2 [ ]
Guile 5 [X]
Hack 3 [X]
Charm 5 [X]
Standing 0 [ ]
Savvy 1 [ ]
Trickery 0 [ ]
Insight 3 [ ]
Scheme 0 [ ]